About US
Crystal Lake Tours is a bucket list item for Friday the 13th fans. It is a collection of extraordinary experiences including guided tours, canoeing excursions, celebrity reunions, movie screenings and more. These events are held at Camp No-Be-Bo-Sco in Hardwick, New Jersey, USA – the primary filming location of Friday the 13th, Part 1. Our tours have sold out in as little as 8 seconds and our largest event drew fans from 42 states and 7 countries! We have hosted reunions with special guests such as Adrienne King, Jeannine Taylor, Debra S. Hayes, Ari Lehman, Robbi Morgan, Ron Millkie, Tom Savini, Taso Stavrakis and Harry Manfredini.
These events support restoration and maintenance projects at the historic Scout camp as well as support youth camping programs throughout the Northern New Jersey Council, BSA. Thank you for supporting these causes!
These tours and experiences are brought to you by Crystal Lake Adventures, a group of camp alumni that have been organizing tours at the camp since 2011. Our core team represents well over 100 years of combined experience working and volunteering at the camp. Each of our events is planned, organized and executed by camp alumni who are deeply passionate about preserving the camp experience for generations of youth to come.
Please take a moment to join our mailing list to be notified when future events are announced.
Camp No-Be-Bo-Sco
Camp No-Be-Bo-Sco is a thriving Scout camp tucked away in the hills of northwestern New Jersey. The 380+ acre camp opened in 1927, making it the oldest continuously operating Scout camp in New Jersey. Since then, countless Scouts have made the trip to No-Be and forged memories to last a lifetime. “No-Be-Bo-Sco” stands for NOrth BErgen BOy SCOuts.
The camp operates at or near capacity during the summer camp season and is also a very popular camping destination for Scout troops throughout the remainder of the year. Owned and operated by the Northern NJ Council, BSA, the camp is easily one of the most popular and best-loved Scout camps in the state.
Please note that the camp is private property of the Northern New Jersey Council, BSA. To protect the health and safety of our youth campers, the camp is not open to visitors at any time outside of official tour dates. Thanks for your understanding!
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